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Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Crispy Sweet Potato Oven Fries Recipe

I've been a little MIA lately. My family is visiting, and we had quite an experience during Hurricane Irene. My family rented a condo on the beach, so they all joined in my house during the hurricane. There were five people sleeping in Baby T's room. It was a huge slumber party.

Now that the festivities have died down, I'm back in my routine. But I ran out of eggs.

I've been eating eggs for breakfast almost every day since I've been on the South Beach Diet, and since I'm on Phase II of the diet, I decided yesterday to have oatmeal instead. Although it filled me up, I felt out of sorts until I got some protein in my stomach.

Since I still haven't bought eggs, today I decided to cook up some sweet potato fries. My favorite go-to recipe book is the America's Test Kitchen cookbook. I referenced that, but there were no recipes for sweet potato fries. Onto the internet I went. I found a recipe for sweet potato fries from Cook's Illustrated on the Riverland Farm website.

I made it, with a few tweaks. Oh, and a dipping sauce. And some sausage. It was an amazing breakfast.

Crispy Sweet Potato Oven Fries

Makes 1 serving - add oil and sweet potatoes for more servings.
See below for recipe for Cinnamon-Butter Dipping Sauce


1 sweet potato
peanut oil
coconut oil
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Coat the bottom of a metal cookie sheet with peanut oil and put into oven while it preheats. (My cookie sheet totally smoked while I did this, so you might want to turn your oven vent on. Or get a better cookie sheet).

While you're waiting for the oven to preheat, cut each sweet potato into 16 wedges. To do this, cut the potato in half lengthwise. Cut each half in half lengthwise, and then cut each of those quarters into wedges by cutting lengthwise with your knife at an angle. Then cut each of those wedges into another wedge by cutting in at an angle. You'll have 16 skinny wedges.

Toss the sweet potato wedges in enough coconut oil to coat (I used about a teaspoon). Sprinkle with salt and pepper and toss.

When the oven has preheated, take the cookie sheet out, spread the sweet potato fries on the sheet in a single layer, and put back in the oven for 15 minutes.

After 15 minutes, take the sheet out of the oven and carefully turn the fries with a metal spatula, being careful not to damage the fry or leave the crunchy part stuck to the sheet. When all the fries are turned over, put back in the oven for another 10-15 minutes.

Cinnamon-Butter Dipping Sauce for Sweet Potato Fries

1/2 Tbsp butter, softened
1/2 tsp coconut oil
dash of maple syrup
sprinkle of cinnamon (to taste)

Mash together all the ingredients with a fork. (I had to put the butter in the microwave to soften it, but you don't want it to melt).

Dip sweet potato fries at will. Yum.


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